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In Common Questions
Jan 08, 2024
Just an update. Considering I had still not heard anything I posted this original post on the Arken Facebook page. Someone named, Randall Carey, who I seriousely doubt is an employee of Arken did answer me. As did several other posters. The reason I doubt Mr. Carey is employed by Arken was due to his commments. I was called an a$$hole and impatient and he was pleased I was not his customer.... On an open public forum. No way Arken would permit this. I have heard a lot of positive feedback regarding Arken and no way this is the way they could possibly handle warranty issues. After this multiple people were commenting on leaving Arken and how Arken was loosing additional customers. Oddly the entire post was removed by the following morning. Luckily I copied most of it prior to is disapearnece. The realy odd thing is if Mr. Carey actually is employed by Arken I IM'd him my e-mail and information regarding the warranty issue. Here we are again a couple days later and still no reponse. I am baffled by the way this is being handled. Funny how mutliple people asked and tried to confirm I had sent hte original two emails to the correct address considering there has been zero response. It was definitely the correct address and not even a sorry for the inconvience we are backed up we will get back to you asap.. nothing. I could have sent the email to no one and received the same response. I guess the process is e-mail in and we will get back to you when we are good and ready. You just wait and one day we will reply.... maybe. Unbelieveable.


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