What an amazing scope. I am very pleased with my purchased, the customer support, the quality build. You cannot ask for more, this is lots of scope. I thank you for doing us such an honor in bringing in products for the average Joe. Once a vet, always a vet!
MSgt GJ Camacho, Retired
US Army 10 years
US Air force 12 years
PS: Tell the one guy in shipping, the one man show is beast, as fast as you can!
Pics of my new 6mm ARC, is now ready to stretch it out.
Really nice setup! What sort of stock is this? Reminds me a bit of Magpul's rifle chassis( https://gritrsports.com/shooting/firearm-parts/chassis/ something like one those for rem 700). Absolutely love how it looks with scope on!
Nice setup! You are going to love that scope!!
They’re amazing scopes.they’re actually almost as good as my top end stuff